Sun - Thu 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Saturday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
(Closed on Fridays)
(مغلق يوم الجمعة)
Chamelle Club & Spa has been established since 2001 with a mission to promote a healthy, balanced lifestyle for all.
The essence of Chamelle Club & Spa is its uniqueness and commitment to service. They are dedicated to improving your fitness, health and well being and can assure you of a quiet and peaceful ambience providing a real sanctuary from the stresses and strains of modern life.
أنشىء النادي عام 2001 بهدف الترويج لنمط حياة صحي ومتوازن للسيدات. متخصص النادي لتحسين لياقتك البدنية والصحية ويوفر أجواء هادئة للتخلص من ضغوط و توترات الحياة العصرية.